Call for Chapters
War Criminology: Exploring Dimensions, Addressing Challenges
We are opening a call for contributions to our upcoming book War Criminology: Exploring Dimensions, Addressing Challenges. This book aims to highlight the multifaceted nature of the phenomena resulting from relationships established between war and crime. Through reflections and empirical studies, the book aims to enhance a collective understanding of how armed conflict challenges approaches exploring issues at the intersection of war and crime. This focus may prompt to question how crimes are addressed within this unique setting, viewing the context of war as a distinct territory for criminology, as suggested by the book’s title.
The book will be published as part of the InJUSTiceWar Project, allowing us to include contributions from other researchers alongside the project’s findings. At this time, we can share that the book will cover the following themes:
The list is not intended to be exhaustive, therefore the submission of other topics that fit within the general theme of the book is encouraged.
We inform that the book will be published as an open access resource, ensuring that it is freely available to a global audience. We will provide more details about the publication in September, but for now, we invite authors interested in contributing a chapter to stay tuned for further information. This call aims to outline the specific themes we wish to address, providing an opportunity for authors to collaborate on this project.
Submission Procedure
Please submit an abstract of up to 500 words and a short bio of up to 300 words by September 15th, 2024, using the following form.
Important Dates
Scientific Committee
In case of any doubts, please, contact