International Conference on War Criminology: Exploring Dimensions, Addressing Challenges


Date: July 22nd, 2024

Location: Faculty of Law, University of Porto, Portugal


The International Conference on War Criminology: Exploring Dimensions, Addressing Challenges presented the results of the InJUSTiceWar project, funded by FCT (Ref. 2022.05692.PTDC; DOI 10.54499/2022.05692.PTDC), and offered an opportunity for people interested in the study of crimes related to war contexts, and their implications for society, to share their knowledge.



Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate the exchange of scientific findings derived from studies dedicated to crimes related to wartime circumstances.

Multidisciplinary Dialogue: Cultivate collaborative relationships among scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders, promoting multidisciplinary reflections to address its multifaceted nature.

Knowledge Dissemination: Promote the dissemination of knowledge and ongoing investigations about crimes related to war circumstances, ensuring their accessibility to the community.


The full programme is available online.